Monday, September 5, 2011

It's not that we did that much....

.....I just took a lot of pictures of what we did starting early this morning at Mark and Marian's zip-line...even Mason and Mandy took a turn.

Then a little swingin' goin' on..............

Mom and Eldene showed up for a little lunch and some "porch time"................

Pickle Ball was a little wet....but do-able....

Meanwhile, back at the cabin, kick-ball was the game of the day.....

.....then a little berry pickin' at Gary's next door....yum. These were soooo good: from my hand to Miller's mouth......

....and some apple pickin'.

On this day we have celebrated the economic and social contributions of workers by playing hard....real hard (and sittin' around a lot). Whatever the reason for a holiday, we'll take it. What'd you do today?


Staheli said...

I celebrated labor day by doing absolutely no labor, and my home was a rec but it was nice to allow myself a break.

joycew said...

I celebrated by visiting with some of our kids before they headed back home, tended Lux and hit the frostop for a burger and glacier (with you, of course)! Jay was off doing actual labor...maybe next year he'll get to take the day off!