Sunday, May 13, 2012

Everything I need to know in life....

..I learned from my mother from how to fold towels, make a bed, iron a shirt, quilt a quilt, care for a sick child, be kind, give service....and no matter what, I could never do those things as good as my mom but I can continue to try, and so....on this mother's day, I pay tribute to her for all the things she taught me, the little "momisms" that are engrained in me and for the love and support she has always been for me....always my biggest fan.
To this day, her house is still a haven of peace, a "safe place to land" and never anything out of place (except for Sunday nights when she lets our kids have their way with it and never complains)....
We were always clean, dressed and ready for the day by 9....I didn't learn that one very well.
Always have your lipstick on when your husband comes home.....this is my mom....the "constant" in our lives. Always ready, ever faithful and enduring.
 ...and on this day I pay tribute to my daughters who are mothers...wonderful mothers that I learn from every day. They are a tribute to me on this Mother's Day as they carry on the legacy of motherhood....        
....and to three beautiful daughter-in-laws that are strong and faithful wives and moms. Happy Mother's Day to all the moms in my life. May we all cherish the "measure of our creation" and be grateful for the opportunity and privilege of being moms.

1 comment:

Randy Reber said...

Nice tribute and I totally agree. The blogger isn't half bad either!