Friday, May 11, 2012

It's all worth it just to hear this.

The kids are all here....another Crazy Grandma Camp (I've got this down).......they've played hard, had pizza, Snow Shack, played games, had their's 10:00...they are hungry, I let them raid the kitchen....I disappear into the den to do this blog....I hear Jack say....."Grandma makes the best chocolate milk.....she loads it,'s loaded."
A few hours in the pool gets the evening started off right....ya think? Thought it might slow 'em down a bit but no......
The "Shack".....always a must....and we've got it down. Laynee takes down the orders then the 13 cones aren't so ominous for the poor teenage worker......just a few people behind us that have to wait a's all good. The flavor of the day was "Wedding Cake".....
A little rest on the way home.....a great picture op.
Then finish off with the dance-off before I'm finished off. My love still runs out at wouldn't want to see me between then and now.....I can still hear little voices downstairs.....
My advice to anyone trying this. Make it a "late night" and not a "sleep over". Already had one casualty. Mason had to come get McKay.
I'll go get some sleep before we make some of Randy's delicious pancakes.....not sure I can make them as good as he does but I'll give it my best shot and hopefully, this will all be a good memory for the kids and me. Isn't that why we do this? Love these kids....and they are all good kids.....having fun being kids.  I like to watch them have crazy fun after their week of school and "structure" (dance, piano, base ball, swimming lessons, soccer, track meets...whew, makes me tired thinking about all they do). Speaking of tired.....I am, so I'm off to get some z's........(hopefully).

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