Thursday, May 17, 2012

Playing with fire.... o.k. if you are a Hibachi Cook....and that's what Miller chose tonight for his birthday dinner, Sakura Hibachi.
Miller is actually afraid of this but it's what he chose and he was quite proud of himself tonight....'cause now that he's 4, he's not afraid. "I'm only afraid when I'm 3 but now I'm 4" (as he puts up 4 fingers.) So proud of this milestone....making great strides, if ya ask me. Ya, we don't want our kids to be afraid of we? I'm thinkin' this place is promoting a bit of pyromania.....oh, and don't try this at home.
The little ones are the only ones that used chopsticks tonight....impressive.
So there you have it..."Miller Time" today and he's not going to let you forget that IT'S HIS BIRTHDAY and HE'S FOUR YEARS OLD. He went around the table and made us all tell him Happy Birthday. It's gonna be a great day.
Happy Birthday,'s your day so let's go party.

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