Monday, June 11, 2012

I cannot tell a lie....

....I miss my family and friends immensely but I'm loving my new adventure. Randy gets me out and about exploring nature and yesterday was no exception and I'll call it a Sunday stroll but it pretty much was a bit of a hike....and it was really fun. Folsom Lake is really close and this little trail that lead us down to the lake where we watched a lot of boaters, skipped a few rocks and snapped a few pics.
I cannot lie about how I feel about pets, especially indoor pets. Mostly I'm afraid of dogs and a bit intolerant of cats but Minx was left behind here and I've gotten used to her, actually, I really quite like her and I've petted her a few times. Anyone that knows me will really wonder if I'm lying but I'm not. I'm liking having her around......
I cannot lie about my love of coconut and I'm wondering if I've been coconut deprived but here's my item of the week for my "Jillynterest" list....these yummy Coconut Frozen Fruit Bars that Amber has introduced me to from Whole Foods. She took me there Saturday and showed me around and picked out a few of her favorites. They are a wonderful coconutty treat, loaded and making you wonder if you just ate a fresh-picked coconut.
I've been accused of being "brutally honest"....and I hope the emphasis there isn't on the "brutally" but I never did lie very well so know that I'm telling the truth when I say life is good....bad things come but it's always for a reason 'cause what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. It's always better to tell the truth then ya don't have to remember as much. I'm not lying when I say that I hope y'all have a good day.


Anonymous said...

Love your blogs,miss you terribly and am totally amazed that you are actually tolerating (let alone petting) a cat, pretty as she is! My, how you've grown! With the kind of "adventures" you are having you will be Wonder Woman!

Joyce said...

The comment was from me, Joyce. Sorry, I'm no good at this!