Thursday, June 14, 2012

If you are looking for it.... can usually find a little magic (enchantment) in every day. Mine came yesterday when I watched a man at the mall show off his bird to some little kids so I became a little kid too and started watching and laughing and thinking how much fun this guy has every day bringing Maya (the bird) to the mall and seeing the joy on the faces of children (and adults) as she performs her little tricks. Here's a link to the YouTube video that someone posted:
I asked him if I could take a picture then he said..."Here, let's take your picture"....and he put her on my shoulder then told her to climb on my head but she wouldn't because my sunglasses were there but once I removed them, up she jumped. I stood still and got the shot.
Then I went outside (still with a big smile on my face) and saw a little gardenia bush and picked me one. I just love these and they are everywhere, like magic, these little flowers that smell just like the big ones that ya pay big bucks for at the florist.
Then, I got home and because I have been missing my satin pillowcase, I whipped me up a new one with my little "piece of magic" sewing machine. I know it's not fancy but it  made me smile watching it make the fancy little stitch on the can see it doesn't take much to amuse me. It really was a magical day....just wondering what today will bring. Hope we can all find a little enchantment in every day.

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