Monday, July 22, 2013


I’m hijacking my mother’s blog today. Twelve years of hearing about dad from her perspective. I thought I’d put it in my perspective this year. Last night I stayed up late watching Red. My mom watched it with me, which is shocking if you grew up with the lady. Never once do I remember her sitting through an entire movie much less an action flick. She didn’t even pull out her knitting, though she had it by her the whole time. During one of the more intense scenes where Bruce Willis is stepping calmly out of a moving car, shooting a gun at another car heading towards him, mom asked, “do you think Dad would have liked this movie?” To which I replied, “Heck yeah Dad would have LOVED this movie.” I’d even go as far as saying he would’ve come joined Russ and I at the Imax for Red 2. Mom says that she regrets that part the life we used to know. She says that she wishes she would’ve sat and watched more movies with Dad. She says that he mastered the art of idleness during his long weeks in the hospital. He was really good at sitting back and taking it easy on a regular basis, but I don’t think that it is something my Mom should regret. Evening movies was our time with our dad. Dad rarely watched a movie by himself, and while Dad was mastering the art of idleness, mom was going insane adapting to the necessity of multi-tasking. While Dad was recovering, Mom was leading a triple life, of supportive wife, devoted mother of 5, and business extraordinaire. Someone had to do it all, and she really stepped up to the plate. I’m positive that there was some major divine intervention for this young family as Dad struggled and then triumphed through so much illness.

Today I remember a Man that could do anything. Never was there such a goal maker and achiever. Never was there such a kind and devoted Father, loving Husband, wonderful Doctor, son, brother, and devoted servant of God. My Dad was so many things to so many people but behind this mountain of a man there was always a steady and able woman, and I know he would agree with me when I say, that he never would’ve achieved what he did without the patience and tender love from his incredible wife.

We all love you Mom, Dad left this world on a pedestal and we know that sometimes it seems unfair how highly he is regarded while you were left behind to carry on alone, but you are right up there with him.

1 comment:

Lauri said...

All of this is so true. Love you mom. Miss you dad. Thanks Traci for saying it.