Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Captain Scotty....

.....three going on five, or six or seven....bright and creative beyond his years....he keeps us all in stitches with his antics.....hero songs, impromptu and very thoughtful prayers and stories galore. He loves his super heroes and I have to be very careful about where I leave my socks that I'm knitting because my double pointed needles look like little swords and I've found my almost finished socks with stitches hanging as Scotty is wielding his new-found little wonders. Happy Birthday, big guy and be sure and have a super day. You are my hero.

A few pictures from a fantastic Memorial Day. We met at the cemetery to honor our family members that have gone before us and to snap some pictures of the grand-kids with their namesakes.....then on to breakfast at Golden Coral. A quick swim in Mason's pool as they were finishing the last loads out of the U-Haul then on to Pine Valley to finish off the day with the usual fun and games (and S-mores). Hope you had a great day!!!!!


Anonymous said...


Karen M. said...

So many birthdays as of late. You will go broke, Ha! What a fun grandma you are, isn't it the best to have grandkids? I am so enjoying mine for the past three days! Love your blog, always a fun visit for me!

Diana said...

What fun you have! I'm off to Arizona for the weekend on Friday - a family reunion. Catch ya soon.