Saturday, May 30, 2009

It's George's birthday tomorrow....

.....and we celebrated today at Pirate Island. George is my 2nd grandchild and is "cute and cool"....those are his exact words (and he is humble). He likes mac and cheese, Pokemon, Bakugan (I don't know what that is), Webkinz, Legos.....he likes to play with friends, play on the computer and the Wii (and he loves Mario Kart) and to learn about things. He loves dragons and lizards and he loves to read Pokemon and Magic Treehouse Books. I've just been tending George, Emily and Evan for 3 days so he is here helping me pay tribute to him on his birthday blog. So I'm gonna tell you what I like about George....everything!!!! Sometimes it's hard to get his attention (and he says that sometimes he gets in trouble) but I'm sure none of us really know what it's like to depend on 2 hearing aids to be able to know what's going on around us. I think he does pretty darn good with that little handicap....he's pretty normal in every other way. He's meticulous and has a great capacity to attend to detail....and has become our "Handwashing Nazi".....he's a good swimmer, loves Beanie Babies and begs me to take him to the skate park. He's fearless......and I love him. Happy Birthday, George!!!! You're absolutely and totally awesome. (oops....George just informed me that he's not really fearless, he's scared of spiders. After these 3 days, he's probably scared of Grandma).!!!!!


Staheli said...

Where oh where has my little George gone. I love you bud Happy Birthday!!!

Laynee said...

happy birthday george!!! see ya in a couple hours!!!