Saturday, May 16, 2009

We're startin' over with the dance thang.....

...and it's been pretty fun to go see my two little grand-daughters at their dance review. Seems like only yesterday we were sportin' the curlers in the morning so the locks would be "perfect" and "huge" for the special night. I got to do Emily's and I was in heaven fer sure. She was skeptical....and kept telling me it was time to take them out. I should have used spongies but I didn't have any so she got the real "hard core" rods. (It didn't mean anything to her when Lauri would tell her she used to have to sleep on those things.) It turned out pretty cute and really got me remembrin' sittin' my girls in front of the mirror and singin' to keep them distracted as I would very carefully use the HOT curling iron...."See the pretty girl in the mirror there,....who could that exciting girl be.....such a pretty face, such a pretty smile, such a pretty me.......I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and bright and I pitty, any girl who isn't me tonight". I could usually get the curls in by the end of the song, or I should say, what I knew of the song. Sometimes it took a refrain or two to get done but most of the time it got done and their "bangs to heaven" with tons of hairspray were set and they were off to play or go to school....or whatever, but after 3 boys, my two little girls WOULD HAVE CURLY HAIR. I've always loved to do hair and would stand in front of the mirror for hours figuring out styles and ratting it just right. I was introduced to "ratting" or "back combing" on one of our trips to see my aunt and her family in California. My ever-so-cool cousin, ReKay was a teenager and she would rat her pony tail and it grew before my eyes. I was so impressed I started experimenting on my own hair. I always slept in curlers and spent the next day backcombing and primping to get the perfect "no wiglet needed" hair-do.

My yearbook sports some of the "biggest" 60's hair you've ever seen and I hope Steve will forgive me as I told him I would keep this picture to myself (I guess I lied)but I've got to share it. He's ratting Kathy's hair on our 7th grade field trip. Maybe he missed his calling in life!!!!! So....through the years we've had our "bobs", our "shags", our "flips" and our "wiglets".....but as far as I'm concerned.....the big curly bangs and curled tighter than heck hair on little their dance always in vogue.


joycew said...

you also practiced on me many times through our growing up years. i particularly remember the "buns" on top of my head. I also recall waiting for you to get out of the bathroom! Now I know what you were doing in there!

Penny said...

Sophie danced for one year and never did again. I would have loved it if she or Shayne would have done it more. So Cute!

Diana said...

Oh, girl, you conjur up so many memories. What would we have done without ratting. I never did hair very well, but had fun like you with my Camille. Send me an email and tell me who that "Kathy" was in your photo. So sorry you couldn't come up. I just finished day 1 of the REAL part. I was super good today!

ME said...

Dianes Dancing Dolls...need I say more.

Staheli said...