Sunday, December 12, 2010

That's what it's all about....

Christmas 1999 found our family about as "rock bottom" as it could possibly get....then the call came on Christmas Eve. There was a liver for Scott and we were off to Salt Lake and LDS Hospital to begin the process about 2:00 p.m. By 10:00 that night, he had his new liver...and why do I mention this in my blog today? My kids came together for each other that Christmas Eve.....and they've done it again this year. Nothing makes a mom happier than to see the kids supporting each other. I know they won't always agree with one another and at times there are differences, but what matters to me is that they can come together when help is let me pay tribute to my five children and their desire to "be there" for each other. Nuff let me also remember why it's important to keep the traditions going. In hard times, it's the "constants" in life that keep things "real".....nothing more real than the tree I put in my family room each year and every year I'm tempted to go artificial, but here it is, one more year with the same old ornaments I've used for the last 20 plus years. I did lose Traci's but finally replaced it this year and I keep thinking it's time to put the grand kids on but until I do, here they kids. I've enjoyed watching them start new traditions in their families and carrying on some of the traditions we began in our own family. Some of my favorite Christmas traditions are the Christmas cards I get and hearing from friends (I have to send them to get them and some years are easier than others), and I love getting the neighborhood gifts (but haven't been too faithful in giving them but I did get it done this year) and I love knowing that my family will come together on Christmas Eve at my mom's. We don't even have to make the call, we just know what our assignments are year after year. I love Christmas music and Christmas food and Christmas cheer (I have to admit I need to get some of that but I'm trying). So Merry Christmas one and all to whoever may read this. It's just a mediocre year for me but at least I'm trying. It gets better as it gets closer. I still stand by my old favorite saying..... "love so easily understands, what you can see is the smallest don't need Christmas in your hands, when you have Christmas in your heart." P.S. Just another thought....when life gets "too real" for ya, just go to Disneyland....nothin's real there!!!!!! Oh, yeah....


Staheli said...

love it...thanks mom!
hope disneyland is treating my family well today.

Kisten Downey said...

You have such a big heart Jillyn.. luv readin your blog..