Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Just thinking about "firsts" today.....

.....and this is the first Christmas card I have on record. As I've been sending out a few more cards, I've been thinking today about how important the ol' Christmas card is in my life.

I value the friendships and memories I've made as I've gotten to know people throughout the different phases of my life and for some reason, it's important for me to stay in touch. The Christmas card once a year is, in some cases, the only commmunication I have with people that were once a very important part of my life. As we've turned to e-mail and Facebook for communication these days, I still value the Christmas cards that I receive by mail and I love displaying them so I can see them during the day and each and every one puts a smile on my face because someone cared enough about me to send me one. There you have it.....for what it's worth and I've come a long way since that very first one. Evan asked me why I have 5 stockings when there's only 1 of me....and I didn't really have an answer only that 5 looks better on my mantle than 1. I think he thought me a bit selfish to think that I expected Santa to fill all those stockings just for me....maybe he will, who knows.


Staheli said...

Hooray for Christmas Cards!
I love getting Christmas cards too and I'm proud to say that mine is up on your wall as well.

Camie said...

I am a card lover as well...and yours was the first I received this year. Here's to putting time into sending cards to the people you care about.