Monday, April 11, 2011

It's always good when friends stop by...

....she used to come by to dance, swim or play Barbie....

.....but yesterday Camille came by to get acquainted with Lucy.

Speaking of friends.....yesterday was Phyllis' birthday and Stef came by last week and we went to breakfast. I love seeing or hearing from my friends; Stef, Phyllis and I go way back....I mean waaay back. Not only did we terrorize East Elementary together (Stef and I pushed a kid off the railing and he broke his leg) but we had our way with Pine Valley every summer at 4-H camp.

I'm on the far left, Stef on front left and Phyllis second in from right.

Stef and I went to state with our "Seam Demonstration" and we even got our picture in the paper. She's now a professor at BYU with a Ph.D in Education (or something like that) and travels all over the country doing what she does; Phyllis is the wife of a general authority and travels all over the country doing what she does; but we seem to find time to get together a couple of times a year and laugh about the same things every time because we are now getting old and don't remember stuff. I count myself lucky to be able to still be in touch with old friends. I count myself even luckier to remember the good times....even if we do talk about them over and over.

Phyllis, me and Stef at our finest......


LUCY AT HER FINEST.....I've enjoyed having Lucy around for the last couple of days. (James and Lauri too) fun to watch new parents.

They're doing a great job. I think Lucy's gonna be o.k.......


xomom said...

First, Lucy is darling! I mean really really darling!

Second, Where DO you find those old photos? I need copies! I have never seen and have NO recollection of that Halloween. Good thing your mom was so good with a camera! I guess that is where you got your talent for photos. Thanks for the memories...

Staheli said...

I love your posts. Scott was fascinated with the pictures of me as a baby and come to think of it...I don't really have any young pictures of me around our house. He made me go through your whole blog finding old pictures of me as a kid.
I love the pictures of lucy. I want to hold her. I also love all the old pictures of you and your cool.