Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lucy is in the house...

....and we're all enjoying getting acquainted.

Her first time meeting her cousins..............
Uncle Kyle takes his turn....

Matty is not too sure she wants to give up her post as "youngest" but enjoys reverting back to her "baby" ways and enjoying the baby swing. She wasn't sure she wanted much to do with Lucy....she'll come around. They'll be great friends one day.

THE BIG DAY IS HERE....and Emily got baptized by her father. We all enjoyed sharing this day with her. Emily is the purest of pure....such a loving heart and kind temperament, always happy and willing to help and learn, loves to play and pretend; (click on collage to enlarge).

I do so hate to see these little ones grow up so quickly but I'm so glad I can be a part of it.

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