Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's Miller time again...

....and just three years ago this very day, Joyce and I greeted Miller and welcomed him to the world then headed off on our amazing road trip across the U. S. of A. It was a very good day when Miller was born and today will be a good day too. Let's go to Mickey D's....k?

...or we could go get a Blue Sumarai at Swig....

...or just hang out at the pool and eat pizza. Whatever you do, big guy, just make sure you party like it's your birthday 'cause it is. Happy #3 Miller.

My weed has bloomed...but I just looked up Holly Hock and it's really not a weed but I always thought it was so I let it bloom then have one of the boys try to dig it up but it just won't go away. Not sure from whence it came but I do like it when it blooms. What I've read about them is that they are stubborn little buggars and some people don't like them and try to get them to go away but they just won't.....so I'll just let my little Holly Hock keep on bloomin' whenever it wants to. Anybody got any info on Holly Hocks?


Karen Mendenhall said...

Hey I have one of those weeds this year too. Don't know where it came from either but it was placed just right in my garden so it stays.

ewest said...

When my mom was little she and her friends would use these flowers as dolls with their fancy pink dresses.