Monday, May 30, 2011

Just so ya know...

......this will be my address some day and I have to come up once a year to make sure I haven't moved in yet. Another great day to meet at the cemetery and honor our loved ones that have gone before....(and actually be grateful that I'm not one of them)....

It's always good for the kids to know where their names are from and be able to see it on a headstone and learn a little bit about those they have not met.....

.....and my favorite part of it all is the anticipation of who might also be there....

....then breakfast at "The Corral"....

...after which I headed on up the road for my first day on the job at the Pine Valley Chapel. I volunteered to help with guided tours and it sure felt good to wear the badge much fun. I'll be up there about every 3rd Monday this summer....yay for me!!!!!!! (This picture looks like I'm being bonked on the head by Relief Society!!!)

...and to make a great day even better, we ended with an early birthday celebration for George and we learned it is actually to ones advantage to be indecisive.....just buy him one of each. Happy Birthday to a really special kid....they don't come much better than George Elliott Wells.

Hope you had a great Memorial Day 2011....I sure did!!!!!

1 comment:

Anita Wells said...

love that comment about checking out your future home and making sure you're not there yet!