Saturday, September 22, 2012

"Choo, choo, choo....

.....what's coming down the track...." just a little song I used to sing to the kids and tho' having a bit of a fascination with trains through the years, always loved to see them when we traveled, I realized that I've never really been on one.We took the opportunity yesterday to travel to old down town Sacramento where we met up with the Wintch's and their German friends and Richard's sister, Mary and visited the train museum there. It was fun to walk through the trains and picture how it would be to travel on one. We walked through the regular coach seating to the sleepers and through the dining cars. I really think it would be a fun way to travel and would like to try it one day. We did travel by train a little bit in our European travels but nothing too extensive, not like these with all the amenities.....the fine dining, etc.
....and speaking of fine dining, we then walked a block to "The Firehouse Restaurant" (click HERE to read about it) and enjoyed a most exquisite lunch.
We all tried something different.....and enjoyed every one. Yum....and I ended the day with a beautiful sunset.....can't get much better.
Let me just say....the space shuttle Endeavor flew over us yesterday and tho' I ventured downtown after the fact, I did try to see it from Folsom but was not successful but it made for quite a bit of news and buzz around here so here are some fabulous pics if anyone is interested.
We were downtown only hours after the masses that had come to see it had cleared HERE for some pics. Pretty fascinating stuff for sure.

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