Thursday, September 20, 2012

If it's cake you want....

....this is the one. Lauri posted it on her blog (clickity click HERE) and I tried it last night. It was a hit and I was transformed to Chili's or Applebee's (I think they both do a version of this) and it was say the least, it was the most. I'm just sayin'........
...and speaking of cake, I hope McKay has one today 'cause it's his birthday and he's eight. I'm wishin' I could be there with him to give him a big birthday hug and eat cake with him.
He's got the biggest heart and gives the best hugs. He's into soccer, gymnastics, baseball and basketball, loves being with friends and cousins.....and I can't wait to see him baptized next month. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, McKay....I miss you so much and will see you real soon.  Have a great day and eat lots of cake.

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