Friday, November 16, 2012

It's very probable....

....on this Friday, Nov. 16, the birthdate of Scott Gordon Wells, that it would have been a "normal", get-up-and-go-to-work kind of day because he never really liked any hoopla on his birthday but I'm hoping my kids will just give a shout-out today so my grand kids will know a little bit about their Grandpa Wells and here is one of my favorite posts of things I want them to know about him. Click HERE.....
After surviving Leukemia in 1985, he learned to "balance" his life. He learned that his "leisure" was as important as his work and didn't hesitate to give his "all" to his family, a very valuable lesson learned early in life. As I go through each year, there are dates I remember associated with that important time in his life when he was fighting for his every breath.....this very day, 27 years ago, being the end of his total body radiation and Day 1 of his injection of new bone marrow from his brother Gawain. I remember thinking...."wow, what a birthday present". So take a minute today, breath some fresh air, be grateful for life, hug your kids and your spouse and be glad to be alive in honor of this good man today. Our world is a better place because he was here....


xomom said...

Happy Birthday Scott. Thanks for all you taught us about what is truly important in life. We miss you still.

Staheli said...

Wow Mom, thank you so much for that. I thought about Dad a lot yesterday. I miss him but it's different than it has been in the past. I miss him with a peaceful feeling, not one of longing because I know that he has been able to bless my life and be our family's own personal guardian angel.