Friday, November 30, 2012

Bring on the crazy....

...and I figure I can handle anything for a few hours so we gathered, once again for a "mini camp" version of Crazy Grandma Camp....totally spontaneous. When ya gotta watch a few kids (Mandy is in the hospital)'s just easier to bring along a cousin or two or three or four or eleven....ranging in age from 3 to 12.....and I do pretty much let them go crazy for the whole two or three hours.
Oh, I try to organize, and we kinda got an obstacle course going, a dance contest, a little bit of food and lots of treats....but mostly just loud. I always try to start with a "pow-wow" where I try to talk to them a bit....this time about family traditions. Our first Wells Family Tradition started just 40 years ago on the steps of our Logan apartment when we declared it BLT day.....just because that was what we were eating for lunch and we wanted to start somewhere. So Happy BLT Day to my family....I love these crazy kids!!!!

1 comment:

Staheli said...

Thanks for doing that mom. Scott says that was his favorite night. Thanks for stressing the importance of getting ALL these kids together. They sure love it.