Wednesday, January 16, 2013

All I ever wanted... happy children and my children can attest to that. Whenever they ask me what I want for a gift my reply is "happy children" and I mean it. I have a quote on my calendar at home that says..."a mom is only as happy as her saddest child"....and I choose to believe that my children are happy and doing happy things with their lives. I got a chance to Facetime with Traci yesterday and it was fun to see, even though there's a gazillion inches of snow in Bountiful, she's happy and enjoying life with her boys and they all should be especially happy today celebrating Russ' birthday.
Happy Birthday, Russ and thanks for contributing to my daughter's happiness. Eat some cake!!!!
Speaking of celebrating, Randy and I don't have to look too far to find something to celebrate and I'm not sure what it was yesterday but it felt like a celebration. When he gets off work early, he likes to go out exploring so off we went....riding the light rail (Trax) to downtown Sacramento and not to sound snobby or anything, the crowd was a bit questionable but we made it fine and enjoyed a little window shopping, a great dinner at "Ten22"...shot a few pics then headed back.
A little walk down by the waterfront and trying on hats at a cowboy store....good times. Hope y'all find something to celebrate today.

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