Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A few more pictures from Disney World.....

....and then I'll move on to something else. Shana has done a great job of posting a day-by-day log of our adventures. If you'd like to take a gander at that, then click HERE. I especially loved Spencer's fashion choice for Day 3 I think it was. He got asked a few times about his band.....

Disney World is a very friendly place. You get to know people really fast because the bus waits and bus rides are long and it's just what you do and you see a lot of the same people every day because you have to stay at least 5 days to do Disney World justice so it's just easier to chat.... "So, where are you from?"....etc. etc.


Laynee said...
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Laynee said...

that was an awsome spring break!!!!!!!!!

Staheli said...

Wow that looks too fun for words.

Camie said...

Will you ask Spencer where I can pick me up one of those shirts...

AH, I am craving a little Disney land right now!