Friday, April 17, 2009

Not my best week ever.....

....but I can't let that keep me from counting my blessings and posting about the "good things" in my life. I think that's why I love to blog. It causes me to really think and be thankful for what I have but mostly it causes me to think. When I think there's nothing in my life to blog about, I just have to try harder and realize that there is. First off....It may have been a bad week because I had to go to the grocery store. But then...I ungrateful I am for I should be thankful that I CAN go to the grocery store. And then I think....why do I hate it so? Maybe it's the decisions I have to make once I enter through those doors....or maybe it's knowing that a lot of what I'm purchasing with my ever precious money is just going to be thrown away or maybe I'm afraid of the germs on the grocery, that's not it. I'm not afraid of germs but there's something that has my anxiety in overload when I have to think of going to the store. I did it and I survived and I've figured out that if I limit myself to one or two bags, just what I know I will consume in the immediate future, I can manage it just fine. I did Google the problem....I called it "grocery store phobia" and it's REAL folks. I'm not the only one that suffers....but a week ago we did have a good Easter inspite of biting weather. We just met at Kyle's, colored eggs, hunted eggs and had an indoor picnic. It was all good. I'm posting a few pictures...then I can move on. Life is good. Let me end with this quote....for me....mostly....."The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"
-Winston Churchill.....

and if life gives you rotten bananas, make banana bread.

These kids color my world.....

Wouldn't it be great if one egg is all that we needed to find?


CNeilson said...

I have to admit I have grocery store phobia too. I think for me it is the decisions in what to cook for dinner that stresses me the most . . . but I truly avoid going to the grocery store as long as possible.
Happy Easter.

Diana said...

I hate shopping. (period!)
I don't think I have a phobia, though, but I do hate things to go to waste. Sorry your week was crummy. I'm just getting over my dumb cold. Have a good Sunday.

xomom said...

I've been temped to sign up for home delivery of groceries... have decided just to buy milk, eggs, bread and cereal, oh, and peanut butter. We can survive on those things when we aren't eating out! (I'm sure there is a better solution, but that is mine for now.)
Loved our little visit. It made my day better for sure! Let's steal more time like that again.