Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter Saturday everyone....

.....and a beautiful day it is with a bit of a cloud cover and on the chilly side for our end of the world and the Arts Festival is in full swing and grand as ever (I love the food) and I'm sitting here pondering Easters past....with a bit of nostalgia. We had good times, a picnic out to the farm with Easter eggs hidden in the field across the fence, rides in the "dumper" and some years on the horse, sometimes some skeet shooting but always the best potato salad on the planet made by my mom. We all knew our assignments from year to year; mine was the making of the chicken (French Dressing Chicken) and it just all came together. The families change, the farm is in a deteriorated state, grandpa is not here to let the kids crack eggs on his bald head and we all find other ways to celebrate....but I hope all the little kids get to have an Easter Egg hunt. I hate them but they are an important part of childhood, I guess to teach the little ones that life isn't fair. As I watched Emily in utter despair yesterday as her bucket didn't get as full as she had wanted it to, I felt sad for her but then again....she has to learn at some point in life that life is like an Easter Egg hunt. We all have the opportunity to be there, but some baskets will seem fuller than others. When all was said and done, she really had as much as George and Evan. No, actually, George (bless his heart) shared his cache with her. Another lesson learned. Have a happy Easter and once again, please let us all remember the reason for the season. Have a great week-end.


Diana said...

Love your memories. Happy Easter to you. I'm home sick. Fun to see your birthday blog for Filus.

Staheli said...

I loved how we celebrated easter. That tradition and the fourth of July have got to be my favorite memories ever. I love the picture of Lauri and I. Thanks mom!