Monday, June 15, 2009

This is a mom that has it all together....

....and it's my daughter-in-law, Shana....awesome mom to 4 of my grand children and amazing wife to my son Spencer and it's her birthday today. Shana has allowed Spencer to get through med school and is raising 4 amazing little children. She's got an "irreverent" side that we love and she's an amazing competitor....when playing cards, any way. She's got a calmness about her......but can "rage" when she needs to. She's organized and frugal and has served the last umpteen years as a Primary President. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Shana. Thanks for being an example to all and we give you accolades for hangin' in there with Spencer's schooling. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's your degree as much as his. This picture is my all-time says it all. It's way out of character for Jack....I just got done tending him for 3 days and he didn't cry once and he slept every night for over 10 hours (and took naps in the day time) so this must have been a really bad day for him.


Spencer said...

Looking forward to the birthday girl's return.

Staheli said...


Camie said...

does she do tutoring?