Saturday, January 9, 2010

If you can drive to work in green pajamas....'s a pretty cool job. Speaking of pajamas, I looked up a few anesthesiologist jokes (most of them I couldn't post) ......the definition of an anesthesiologist: "the half-asleep looking after the half-awake"......and I know you put in long hours and I know today is your birthday and I don't know if you have the day off....but if you don't, you deserve to but I just wanted to send a little shout out to you on this special day and tell you that I think you turned out to be a pretty good-lookin' guy after all those months of having to be convinced that you were a cute baby. It was the hair.....and I know you have always had "interesting" hair but you've made the most of it with your hairdos through the years. I wish I had the money I paid out to John, Jason and Bret to get your hair to lay down.....they tried anything from vavle oil to vasoline.....nothin' worked back then but now....think of go to work in your jammies and put on a hat. What could be better.

Just a few of Spencer's "interesting" hair days.

....and if it's a really bad hair day.....just wear braids!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Spence.....keep on keepin' on......


Staheli said...

Three cheers for Spencer

Hip hip hooray
Hip hip hooray
Hip hip hooray!!!

Anonymous said...

hey... that's what i was gonna say.

Penny said...

Happy Birthday Spence! I love the money sticking out of your pocket in that picture. Was that your Senior Picture?

Laynee said...

happy birthday to the best dad in the galaxy!!!!! love you a ton!!!!!