Tuesday, January 19, 2010

She will be missed....

.....and I don't profess to be a dog lover but I gained a greater appreciation for them because some of my very favorite people are dog lovers and I just read the book "The Art of Racing in the Rain"....that said, I too, will miss Okie. She's been a good companion to Kyle and his family for a lot of years. They got her when they lived in Salt Lake and had purchased their first home and she has traveled from there to Tucson and back then to Albuquerque, to St. George.....and her final destination, Pine Valley. Okie loved Pine Valley. And so.....we bid a fond farewell, until she returns as a person....(read the book.) We will miss you Okie. Good dog......


Karen M. said...

Animals make us complete as humans. It is always sad to loose a beloved pet. Good Bye Okie

joycew said...

My condolences to Kyle and his family. As exasperating as dogs can be at times they are even more endearing and truly become a part of the family. I, for one, can hardly wait to meet him when he comes back! (I read the book!)

joycew said...

Sorry, Okie, I called you "him". My bad!