Thursday, January 7, 2010


......just one of my so-called New Year's Suggestions and don't I wish I could. I've been thinking about Lauri's wedding today as it is right around the corner and remembering when Traci and Annie decided Doggy (sorry, can't remember the dogs name) and Kitty (that's the cats real name) should get married. They called a few friends, I took a picture and we called it good..... It was a good day.


Staheli said...

I totally forgot about this, we were crazy. Thanks for the memory boost!

Spencer said...

This leaves me with so many questions...who performed the ceremony and by what authority? Is it legal? Are they still happy? Are dog and cat years the same, because the dog would have celebrated its 7th anniversary a year later - how about the cat? For some wierd reason, I assumed the dog was the male and the cat was the female - but you guys probably didn't even check, did you...oh, the horror!

Stevo and Annie said...

Can't remember who performed the ceremony...but it was definitely legitimate because we sent out invitations! ha ha. Jillyn...thanks for the laugh! I'll be in town next week and stop by and say hi.

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of Traci's stellar sandal tan. I wish it was summer again.