Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hey you...

.... what ya doin'? It's a "lonely" Thursday night and I know there are a gazillion people I could go visit but I don't feel like it so I checked out a few blogs and Traci's was one of them and I wish I could direct you all to read it but it's "private" and I have to say I feel like I've had a visit with her as she has told me about her life right now and what she's doing so I decided I needed to do the same as I sit here on the edge of "melancholy" (I looked it up and by googling it found this book called "Against Happiness: In Praise of Melancholy" that I think I'll read because I'm totally "tired" of trying to "always" be happy. It's just not possible.) Don't get me wrong...I'm basically happy but just not "always" and I think it's o.k. I just have to convince myself that it's o.k. I was walking around the circle tonight and our once very lively neighborhood has pretty much turned into a ghost town and I wondered whose door I could knock on to get rid of this loneliness I feel. Sometimes "melancholy" just isn't something you want to could be contagious you know but I came home and started working on James and Lauri's wedding video and found this picture. I named it "Hairspray" and I have to tell you that when Joyce and I were checking out at Target today, we saw a lady with this very same hairstyle but without the bow but there was a distinct "crease" between the ratted-up hair and the bangs that was screaming for a bow, you know one of those on a little clippy like the one in Traci's hair in this picture. It made me smile and think of simpler times....well not when it comes to hairdos. It wasn't all that "simple" to do all that curling and ratting but I mean actually the good ol' days when my life consisted of my husband and kids and Traci's blog today reminded me of how quickly those days went by. So, for this night, I will be melancholy and it will be o.k. If you are truly happy right now and feeling pure joy and doing everything you want to do in life, I'm very happy for you. I do truly admire "happy people" but I'm not really sure it's in my genetic makeup to be that way all the time. Having a cloudy day once in a while really makes us appreciate the sunshine. My wish for us all is "basic" happiness but also, courage to face our demons and let them make us better. I really might add this book to my bookshelf because I'm pretty impressed with the author's credentials and the fact that he lives in NC (and teaches at Wake Forest) and I read and liked some of his other articles so I think I'll give it a go. (clickity click HERE to read more about Eric Wilson, especially his biography). I think I'd like to take a class from him....but until then, I'll add another "self-help" book to my library.


Karen M. said...

I am sad for anyone who has to feel lonely. It is not a good feeling at all. I have often thought about our need for people in our lives. People bring happiness, joy, sadness, pain, and companionship. We can't live with them and we sure can't live without them. We get annoyed, frustrated, and even insensed toward people, yet they are basic survival item. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own lives that we don't stop to think that someone might be hurting or lonely. So you who are need to take that step and knock on our doors. We love to talk and visit with you for it gives spice and meaning to our otherwise dull lives. Nobody should ever feel alone when there are so many of us people that live on this planet earth. Knock my door is always open to you. My daughter is going through the same feelings and feels lost and alone... she is learning that she needs to reach out to avail herself to others so that she can forget her loneliness. You on the other hand do reach out, always doing for and being there for everyone, so let them now be there for you. And Jilyn, it is ok not to be happy all the time, we all need a good cry now and then so if you need someone to cry with you, I am a big baby and would love the chance to let it all out, let's do lunch sometime soon. You are amazing don't ever forget that!

Stevo and Annie said...

That picture is a classic!! I love your blog Jillyn...and I love how you are so honest. I think it is great when people blog about their "bad" days...often people just blog about "happy" things and so it creates unreal /false images of people’s experiences-- Then readers think…”There must be something wrong with me.” We all have crappy days…more often than we would like to admit  Elder Wittwer wrote something that stood out to me in his last e-mail. He said, "We out of all people should have more confidence than anyone else who lives upon the earth. We have the truth." So simple…but so true! It is a good thing to think about when down.

Diana said...

Friend, my heart is with you. I too have lots of blue and lonely days, even though I'm surrounded by family, loved ones and friends, I still feel lonely. I'm not sure why. Something must be missing; I just have to figure out what. Thanks for putting up your cute book shelf. I started reading "Seven Miracles," and think I'll enjoy it. Talk to you soon.

Carin said...

Feeling a little blue myself tonight, but the familiar faces on your blog made me smile. It's nice to know you better. Thanks for sharing with courage and candor.