Monday, May 3, 2010

This just happened to be.... calendar picture yesterday as two very important races were run; the Kentucky Derby (congrats to Super Saver) and the Ironman Race.....
.....and both of these sports demand "excess" and as I got to thinking about this, I realized that it is so very true. It's probably why, as I've stated before, I live in "moderation" most of the time if even that but really have no "passions" and I really admire people that do. I don't really understand it, (speaking of the desire to do triathlons and marathons) but I admire it none-the-less. A shout-out to my nephew, Jason Wells who is an "Ironman". (I lifted this photo from Facebook, is that legal?) I just plain don't get this thing as I don't even like to work up a sweat. My idea of exercise as Joan Rivers so aptly stated it..."I don't exercise. If God wanted me to bend over, he would have put diamonds on the floor." I do truly appreciate talent and the various ways people channel their passions excessively enough to succeed at them and I will continue to try and figure out what I could possibly be passionate about. Maybe it's my passion to remain passionless and be the one that admires other peoples excessive behavior, for if we were all "ironmen/women" or marathon runners there would be no one to shout encouragement and hand out the water.
This letter was sent out by Jan Shelton Hunsaker (JoEllen's sister) to her family and Kyle forwarded it to me and I just wanted to add it to my blog, if that's o.k. with Jan (and Mason). I had wanted to blog about my interesting evening but wanted to wait until I could find a really good picture of Mason being an "excessively" good dentist but this letter from Jan says more, really, than any picture could. Thanks, Jan. It was a pleasure (for me, I'm sure not for you). Hope you are better today!!!!!!
This is the e-mail from Jan: Subject: God Bless Mason Wells
If I had a blog, this is what it would say about the weekend:
So Saturday morning we took the kids over to the Ivins Fitness Festival to perform for one of the Ironman festivities - Jan and Andy walking around a fitness festival - there's a sight. The kids did a couple of numbers from Once on This Island, Seussical and Mary Poppins and it all went well. We got to see Philipe and Simone from the Biggest Loser and they remembered Andy's name from when we met them 6 months ago. But I had a toothache - just a little one that kept creeping back up every other hour or so, nothing big. I haven't had a really bad toothache since Grease 2001 (my life is chronologically measured in musicals). I took some ibuprophen and it went away. Saturday night I couldn't really bite down on anything but I took some more ibuprophen and it would go away. I thought I could hold out for Monday for sure. Sunday morning, no pain, went to church with some Ora-gel in my scriptures and at the end of each meeting, I would say "I can make it one more, and add more Ora-gel. By the end of Relief Society I was slurring people's names and the right side of my face was tightening up like I had just had Botox on one side only.
We ran home, got some ice on it and called Mason Wells who was in church (and answered his phone!!! It was the spirit!) and he immediately called in an antibiotic and said he would see us Monday morning if I could make it that long. I tried so hard. I chewed on ice for 9 hours. At 9 p.m. I was delirious. My tongue was on fire, my whole face felt like the end scene in Indiana Jones where the guys face melts off. Andy called Mason and he met us out in Hurricane and I had a root canal on my right front tooth at 10 p.m. last night. Jillyn had come along to "assist" and when I saw her, I was so grateful - it made me feel better knowing she was there. It only took an hour and as soon as he had deadened it, my blood pressure dropped and I was able to laugh about it a little. What a crazy weekend. thanks Penny for getting us Mason's phone number, thanks Andy for holding my hand and keeping my ice cup full all day and thanks Mason for being such a good dentist (and for answering your phone in church!!!!)


Penny said...

We watched Jason cross the finish line. It was really neat. We also ran the 1st bike aide station and it was amazing to see these incredible athletes and there endurance. I couldn't even do a 5K without killing over.

Staheli said...

Well put mom. Really enjoyed this post. See you in a week and a half.

Diana said...

What a compassionate son. Kudos to the dentist. I love seeing the pictures of all your family together. Camille did a half ironman last year and planning on a full one this year. I don't get it either! My thoughts are with you and your family for the wedding. So sorry I can't make it.