..and that stuff got thrown out (or consolidated into other cabinets) and they came down and I'm very happy and feel like I have a way bigger house. That's my "show 'n tell" for the day.

And now to the on-going debate as to whether blogging about something makes it look more fun than it really was....so I'll just tell it like it was and you can decide if you think we had a good time or not. The Annual Hurricane Dental Summer Staff Party was at the cabin and actually, I think it was pretty fun.

This was going to be a food blog about all the great food we had but the pictures didn't even hold a candle to making the food look as good as it really was so I'm eliminating the pictures and just telling you that Mason cooks a "mighty mean" tri-tip roast (seasoned with Pappy's)....Kisten brought her famous potatoe salad, Carol's Lemon Lush is my new favorite and she took it home before I got another piece....lot's of great fruit, green salad, home-made rolls, home-made rootbeer....and I know by now you are wishing you were there (and I'm going to go have a piece of Mandy's chocolate cake....right now).

The fire pit is always a hit (minus Mr. Fire Marshall; I think we finally got it right) and the kids love to burn, I mean roast marshmallows and make "S'mores". Yuk....I'm smelling the smoke right now. That's one thing we all bring home with us.

Kick-ball, Corn Hole, Red Rover...(notice the neck action on Cannon, this can be a dangerous game)...and the usual "kids running crazy" stuff that they like to do on the big lawn in Pine Valley. So whether the blog does it justice or not...it doesn't matter. It's here for posterity. Nuff said. Thanks, Mason for inviting me.
So much fun so little time! I posted all my pics on my facebook account and some on my blog, check it out...justus2kids.blogspot.com thanks for the great time and letting us invade your sanctuary!
I think it looks like you all had a GREAT time. Thanks for always posting mom. It sure makes me happy. I miss you all and wish I could be there but it was fun to randomly call up the cabin that night and have Maycee answer, and also get to talk to Mason...BONUS!
The house looks great. When do you sleep? One thing I can say about that party is that everyone there has great teeth...
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