Monday, August 22, 2011

Where did I go wrong....

....was it that I was just too lazy to cook them breakfast? It could have been that I don't like breakfast (so selfish of me)....but I really must give myself credit for good intentions. When the kids were young, we lived in Fresno....they were facing early morning seminary....I vowed to the "God's of Good Parenting" that I would cook them a hot breakfast when they started early morning seminary....we moved....never had early morning seminary....didn't have to keep my vows....

Should have recognized the problem when he went on his mission and he settled for the "imitation".....

Even had it for Thanksgiving one year. Yes, that is sad.......very sad.....

And it has come to this.....his award at graduation from medical school was, you guessed it....cereal. Everyone else got engraved silver bowls. He got a bowl alright, filled with cereal. He had been eating it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for nine....mind you.....nine years.

Intervention???? I think it's too late. Learn from me people.....give a little cold cereal....some mornings of the week.....just not every morning. I don't want this to happen to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Staheli said...

Nice...I don't know what to say mom, I love cereal for breakfast and wouldn't have it any other way!

I want that shirt for my boys.

Penny said...

Funny! It's fun to see Spencer's family more in your blog now that they live closer.

joycew said...

You did not go wrong!!! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and there are things worse than having cereal for breakfast...(maybe the "worse" is eating it for all 3 meals)...anyway, they all turned out okay so pat yourself on the back for the good things. (Any "bad" is their own fault - agency, right?!)