Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I'm feelin' the love....

It's not often that I get a hand delivered note from a little first-grader and this one definitely was special, along with a visit. I do feel loved by all 17 of my little ones and I love them back....actually, to the moon and back. Thank you to my Jack....this made my day and I do love doing these things with my grand kids.
I really like the art work too. 
 After reading Jon B.'s post about celebrities, it got me to thinking why we go gaga over them....well, maybe you don't but I do. I know we go to concerts and see our favorite performers but how often do we meet them in their normal, everyday lives....and when we do, why do we become aw struck? I've seen a few over the years (and embarrassed my family a bit) but I don't take it lightly and I usually try to snap a picture even though if I were a celebrity, I wouldn't like it very much but it's the price they pay for "celebrity" status and the $$$ I guess.
We traveled to LA with a group from St. George to watch Bruce Hurst play ball....that was pretty big stuff for the boys.....but at the airport, the stars were certainly out that day.
....I was actually star-struck beyond belief. The Reber's and Jolley's were happy to oblige me but I couldn't get my boys to even get in the picture. (top left)
 Then there was the time we saw Clyde Drexler at the Marriott in Salt Lake. Couldn't convince the boys to sit down by him but I got the picture anyway. I think my favorite "celebrity moment" however was when we were in Switzerland and got to visit and tour the mansion of Charlie Chaplin and meet some of his family.
It wasn't really open to the public but our tour guide had some "ins" with the fam and got us there. Didn't know much about Charlie but loved learning about him and watching Robert Downey Jr. portray him on the big screen.
George Clooney has this to say about it all....
"When [actors] get to a place [of recognition], it's because they are actually taking risks that a lot of people wouldn't take because it's embarrassing. [Those risks that he talks about are constant auditions, constant rejection, constant bad roles or films, just to make it in their chosen field]. Humiliation is one of the greatest fears in the world. Actors risk humiliation every time they go to an audition. You're gonna have to get a tough, thick skin and go, 'I still think I'm on the right track, and still think I'm going the right way. You'll succeed as long as you have…because confidence is one of the big things you're selling too."

I have to admit, I've never really thought of it that way. They really do have to go through a lot to make it in the business. I actually really appreciate the talent in most of them, respect the ones that respect their "celebrity" and don't respect the ones that don't earn that respect. I just got done watching The Golden Globe awards....and I do have to say, I think I'm mostly amazed by the talent that they possess and marvel that they can survive in the business. I do enjoy my celebrities. When I was a kid, John Wayne, Susan Hayward, Marlon Brando and others lived in our neighborhood. I don't think I really grasped the concept of celebrity back then but I knew it was something out of the ordinary. We would sneak over to the neighbors back yard and watch John Wayne and his buddies smoke and play poker in the garage. We even went Trick or Treating at Marlon Brando's house but his housekeeper told us to go away.
He may not be a celebrity, but he's a hero to his boys and is a mighty fine husband and father...
..and it's his birthday today. (16th)
I appreciate all he is and all he does for this sweet family. (I stole these cute pics from Traci's blog)
So cute.....
This picture has "happy" written all over it so I'll just add "birthday"....
Happy Birthday, Russ.

1 comment:

Staheli said...

Thanks mom. Great post. I didn't know about the celebs that you lived by growing up. Where did Marlon Brando live? Love you. Can't wait to see you again. Maybe we'll meet in Disneyland!