Sunday, January 5, 2014

It was two days ago....

...but I still want to do a post about favorites and I was going to call it Favorite Friday because I found this picture when I was cleaning up my flood and it was my all-time favorite vacation and this has to be one of my favorite pictures.....I mean, often do you get your whole family in the log.....
 ...and speaking of favorites, check out Mandy there in's her birthday today. She's the mom of this awesome family and she always makes me feel loved and accepted and this is one of my favorite pictures of them....
...and she runs and looks really good while doing it.  What more can I say except that I love ya tons, Mandinga....hope you have a big ol' HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
...and speaking of Friday, we were traveling on that day and one of my favorite things is a good road trip and this is a good one. I'm not sure Randy would agree; he says it's just way too long but to me, it's not, 'cause I like going through some little tiny towns, wondering what the people do there....
 ....and watching what's going on to the side of the road....(and on the road). We caught these sheep being herded.....
..and it was pretty cool.
From what I could see, they had a long way to go to get to "some place"......
  ...then there was the shoe tree that I had seen a couple of times before but never stopped to take a picture.
 ...but my very favorite part of a road trip is watching the clouds....
One last favorite. One of my favorite things about living in California is growing an orange tree....and I did. Came home to four oranges....and they really are pretty good.
Picked our first ones and ate them today. Thanks for letting me share a few of my favorite things. What are some of yours???

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