Friday, January 10, 2014

It's Friday again....

..... one of my favorite days of the week and a time to think of my favorites. Sunsets are right up there on my list and last night's was the most amazing one I've seen in a long time and a camera just can't capture it but I did try...
We are praying for rain and snow here in the Sacramento beautiful as this temple is, things are looking pretty dry.....
I love all the water surrounding this beautiful area and everything is running pretty low these days.
"A kayaker rows near the remains of the old Gold Rush town of Mormon Island. Due to the low water levels in Folsom Lake, remnants of the town are beginning to appear. The area was flooded for Folsom Dam in 1955. Some foundations and relics can be seen on the ground, but most of the town is still underwater."....   and as we rode through Lake Tahoe last Friday on our way home, there surely wasn't much snow there for sledding and other winter recreation.....however, (and speaking of snow)...
...I think St. George broke a few records for's a couple of my favorite people making an amazing snowman....and one of my favorite days ever was the day Spencer was born, 38 years ago. Happy Birthday, Spence....father of these awesome kids...(and husband to Shana)...
...lovin' life in Southern Utah after 9 very long years in Kentucky. One of my favorite things is watching Spencer enjoy life with his family, hiking the trails and enjoying these beautiful surroundings....
This is the essence of Spence.....just taking it all in. Loving the good life.....and while living it, recording it. I was the very grateful recipient of his life journal from the age of about 8 when he started recording. An inspiration to us all in the keeping of journals....which we are all admonished to do.
Along with journaling, he keeps a weekly blog which turns into a great picture history of his young family that will be treasured forever. If you'd like to visit, I'm sure he won't We blog because we can turn them into really nice history books. It helps us stay connected to one another as well....may you have many more years of blogging and history making but may this day be a celebration. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Spencer....I hope you get some cheesecake today (and lunch at Benja's and dinner at B-Dubs). I gotta add one more favorite's a picture that came through, I think from JoEllen.
Scott is enjoying these two little grandkids, Laynee and George....the only ones he got to know in his life on earth. This one just makes my heart happy.....

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