....and I'm pretending that there's someone out there that really cares what I'm doing and what I'm thinking about so I'm going to tell you. I have Book Club (
I think that's the official name of it but I'm not sure. I wasn't even sure I was a member but I just starting going and now I'm the president so I've decided to just name it "Book Club") and I'm having it at my house on February 26 (
if there's anyone out there that would like to come, you are welcome) and I read a book that was recommended to me called "The History of Love" by Nicole Krauss and since it was February I thought it would be a good one to do but I read it and it was interesting but I didn't really want to spend any more time to prepare myself to review it or talk about it so.....I decided to go back to a book that I might have mentioned a while back that I found while serving my mission. It's called "You've Got to Read This Book". Click
HERE (or on the book) to read about this book. I love, love love it !!!!! It's a compilation of essays written by people that write about a book that has changed their lives. Some of these books I have read, some of them I don't care to read but others I have on my "to read" list. So....I decided to do this book for Book Club and hopefully everyone will want to share what books have changed their lives. The other day while looking on Facebook on one of the "Twenty-five Random Things", I read one where a friend said...."I really love to read...I always have a book with me and I always ask people what they are reading." I, too, like to know what people are reading and though it's not my favorite passtime (knitting is, but reading is a close 2nd) and, I'm a pretty "picky" reader, I do like to know what others are reading and I've found some pretty good stuff that has been recommended to me by people I know. So....I'd love it if you would tell me what you are reading. If you don't want to comment on my blog then e-mail me at
wells@infowest.com. Better still, think of the one book that you have read that has changed your life. I'd love to hear about it.

I tended McKay and Miller yesterday and they had a joy ride on my office chair. They're pretty cute. Also, just in case you are wondering.....my daffodils are about to bloom and I can't wait to post a picture. This is one of my favorite events of the year....I'm just sayin'.....
I have started "The History of Love" (your book) and really like it so far. I am also trying to finish Jodi Picoult's "Change of Heart" but it is not one of her best (I usually love her). "Some Wildflower in my Heart" is still one of my Top Ten for books that "moved" me. And, yes, McKay and Miller are pretty darn cute!
I am just finishing "Grace" by Richard Paul Evans. It's just simple, but I only get a chance to read just before I fall asleep. I wish I had more time, but not right now. My favorite all-time book is "Jane Eyre," but I forget all the books I've read because my brain cells are half gone and I don't write down a list!
I would recommend reading 'These Is My Words.' Its one of my favorites. I am excited about this book. I too love getting recommendations. It beats trying to walk into a bookstore and picking out a book.
I like what you're saying...
Camie, I loved "These is My Words" as well. I'm wondering if anyone has reviewed it yetin Book Club. It has a lot of memorable quotes. Hey, thanks for stopping by.
DId you read the rest of the series? I loved them all!
I wish I loved to read. I am still trying to get through JoEllen's The Secret Life Of Bee's book that she lent me 3 months ago and told me that I had to read it. It seems like the only thing I read is 32 page kids books.
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