Sunday, February 1, 2009

One month down.....

....and what have I accomplished? Well.....the biggest accomplishment for me is that I have not added to my "stash".....I did buy one little beauty but plan to quickly make it into something special. How could I resist my 20% off coupon at Dee's (one of my favorite craft stores in Louisville) and I rationalized that I purchased this hand-dyed skein "for" something specifically...but....I plan to do better with February. I will continue to knit from my "stash" and save my $$$$$. If anyone has been following the dreaded ice storms of Kentucky, yes, my kids did get hit with power outages for a few days but all is well and their power came on while thousands of household's did not. To check out their blog, click HERE and Shana will tell you all about it. We are all counting our blessings right now and this grandma is sleepin' a lot easier at night.

1 comment:

Camie said...

ew, it looks so yummy and cozy and colorful all at once.