Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm not sayin'.....

.....that I can't cook...just that I don't really like to but I love to eat, especially really good food so I've learned to surround myself with great cooks and here are some of the best. Aunt Maurine and Maren came for a visit on Sunday, I bought the Lasagne and Cynthia helped me out and made the rolls, the cake, the brownies, the cornbread....and it was delicious, and so good to see the two of them again.

Maren is retired and has moved to Salt Lake to live with and care for her mother, Maurine Hegsted (who was married to Grandma Rose's brother Marion). She's 93 and the happiest, kindest most peaceful person one could ever meet. She was a Home Economics Professor at the U of U for many years and wrote this wonderful cookbook with a couple of her friends. We decided to have her sign our copies and I must say, it really is one of the best cookbooks around. So kudos to a couple of my favorite cooks, and thanks Cynthia....I always know there's good food across the street.


joycew said...

I love cookbooks, though not the actual cooking, but that is one that I don't have. Where is it available...I'll have to get one especially now that I "know" the authors!

Lauri Wells said...

i want a copy of that cook book for my wedding.