Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hey Seffy, it's your birthday...

....let's party, like it's your birthday! You are a Wii bit amazing I must say and I'm missing you a bunch but want you to know that I'm forever hearing you say "how d'ya like me now?" and I'm likin' you a lot.....and wishin' I were there to experience my slow death as you continually beat me in Mario little "trash talkin" cutest kid on the block. I love you tons. Have a great day, little man and know that you have a B-Awma (or B-Amma, whatever) that can't wait to see you again. I'll be there in June and we'll go get some Moon Pies. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Seth. I love you.


joycew said...

Happy Birthday, Seth. Do you remember your "Aunt Joyce" from my one visit to Louisville? Well, I sure remember you! Hope your February birthday was as much fun as mine was!

Shana said...

happy bday sethers!!!!!!! i love you a ton!!!!!!! i love you a ton grandma and cant wait to see you in june!

Laynee said...

sorry that one was from laynee!!!!!