Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's a sign....

....and there are tons of them in a 40 mile radius but I'm mighty glad this one is here. It's been a while coming. Took a trip to my favorite dentist my teeth cleaned (I'm never taking another bite of food) and found out I have a couple of cavities...arghhh....but I do love my dentist. just waiting for Lucy. Getting her blanket made, her little sweater blocked and wondering what she will be like. It's so exciting.....
Hope you're all having a great day. Oh....I almost forgot. It's been a long time since I mentioned what I'm reading but I was talking to Traci the other day and she mentioned meeting a new friend whose husband had written a book entitled "Waffle Street". "After spending two years in the midst of the housing market hurricane, Jimmy Adams was laid off from a hedge fund in early 2009. Wearied by eight years in the bond market and disillusioned by the financial services profession, he decides to get an "honest job" for a change. Before he knows what hit him, he finds himself waiting on tables of barflies at his local Waffle House." (Read more click HERE). I'm liking it so far......


Karen M. said...

We love the sign too, yes it was too long in the making...can't do everything at once the budget won't allow it, LOL. Was so good to see you!

Lauri said...

I love the sweater. We can't wait to meet her either. She's certainly taking her time.

Staheli said...

I love your update. I can't wait to meet Lucy too and I think it's awesome that Mason has a sign, he is definitely my favorite dentist. I'm glad you are reading the book too. I don't know much about Jimmy but I sure love his wife, she's an incredible person.