Friday, February 25, 2011

On a snowy February night...

....actually, early morning, little Lucy Stewart arrived into this world....a little sad to be here but I'm sure it will get better. She's a darlin'....and the daughter of James and Lauri Wells Stewart born Feb. 25, 2011 at approximately 3:00 a.m. weighing in at 7 lbs. 11 oz. Lauri did great...and is resting fine. As they say.....mother and baby doing fine.

So's the grandma....she is my 15th grandchild. She's so adorable. Can't wait to get to know her

.......and it looks like I might be snowed in for a few days.

This is what it looked like when I came out of the hospital this morning....beautiful but cold...
I can't think of anyone finer with whom to share a birthday than my sister Joyce....
Happy Birthday to my dear sister who is also my best friend, therapist, crossword puzzle solver buddy and over all, sister of all sisters. We read each other's minds, finish each other's sentences and more times than not, wear coordinating colors without even consulting one another.

We decided lately that we are connesieurs of Tiramasu...we try it wherever we dine and can tell you where the best is....we've thought about doing restaurant critiques as well. We could, you know.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Joyce.


Spencer said...

Three Cheers for Lauri, Lucy, and Joyce.
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray

Karen M. said...

Congrats to James & Laurie, glad little Lucy is here safe and sound. So happy you could be there for all of them, have fun rockin' that sweet little princess!

Staheli said...

Yay for Lauri, Yay for Joyce. Love all around!

CNeilson said...

Congrats to Lauri!! The 25th is also my Madison's birthday. It is a great day to have a birthday!