Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's always good to meet up with friends....

....and I got to do that today.

The Neubergers are in town for a soccer tournament and I met them for a late lunch. I love them to pieces. They moved into our ward a few years back (since have moved) and I fell in love with their new little baby boy (now he's 15). I thought he looked a lot like Spencer when he was a baby and I thought that deserved a baby blanket so I got brave and knocked on their door and said..."you don't know me but I just want you to have this". We've been friends ever since and it's always good to get caught up (as usual, I do most of the talking) but they do have a darling family and I love seeing them when they come to town. Thanks, Kevin and Angie for taking the time out of a busy day for an old friend.....
Speaking of old friends.....
I got to see some the other night. After Scott died, I got invited to a Widow's Group that met once a month for dinner, just to talk, cry, laugh, cry some more but mostly sympathize with one another. Five of us got together and took a really fun trip to New York a few years back. (This is us at the Whitmer Farm.) We got together again the other night because LeAnn is getting married. Good to see the girls again and get caught up. (The 3 middle ones aren't widows any more)!!!!!:)
The blanket's close to can come now!!!! I made a blanket like this one back when I only had 3 little boys, always hoping for a little girl.

It got a blue ribbon in the county fair and made it to the state fair then went on to the American West Festival in Logan...then Lauri came and it got put to good use.

She literally wore it out....still sleeps with it today so I made a new one for her little girl. It won't go to the county fair and it won't win a blue ribbon but it was made with lots of love and I hope Lucy loves it as much as Lauri loved hers.
Speaking of little girls.....I made a visit to my friends at the Desert Dove Tea Room today then came home and while looking through my pictures, found this one of some sweet little ones have a tea party. I'll add this to my "Tea Room Post".....just wanted to post it here 'cause it's so dang cute.

Where did the time go...they are all mamas now and I hope their daughters are having tea parties.


Staheli said...

That's awesome. I love those pictures. Mom, you win, best blog ever!

Anonymous said...

Definitely Best Blog ever award. I would give anything to go back to one of those afternoons for just a day.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that last comment was by camie not amber but I am signed in under her name...oops!