Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My favorite time of year....

....for sure! Even though it's been a great summer, I love the fall...the routine, knowing the kids are back to doing something worthwhile with their time and most of all, cooler weather and even though it's really not any cooler, just the thought yesterday that everyone was headed back to school made it seem cooler. Just wondering.....what's Spencer doing in this picture???? Um....first day of school is first day of school and it just doesn't look like he's headed in that direction.

I miss having some kids stand on my rock for their picture. I was about to grab some neighbor kids as they were passing by but didn't want to frighten them.


joycew said...

I love fall, too! The back-to-school thing was bittersweet for me. (Especially all those years that I had to head back!) I loved having them home but I also loved getting back to a routine and a little structure...not to mention the promise of cooler weather.

Staheli said...

I'm excited, but I know I'm going to cry for hours when Scotty starts next week.

Spencer said...

Summer School!!!!

Jillyn said...

Thanks, Spencer for helping me remember that. That year-round school wasn't all that bad. I'd forgotten about it.