Friday, October 28, 2011

Thirty-eight short years ago....

.....on this day, my first-born entered the world and things just haven't been the same since. He got a pretty rocky educational start....remedial reading in 5th grade, weezled his way out of spelling tests all of 3rd grade (and we bless the invention of spell-check)...but persevered to become an engineer with an MBA and a Ph.D. and is a professor....(and might I add, has a degree from the University of Hard Knocks)....

Kyle's always had an independent, adventurous nature....willing to learn and try anything and has achieved a lot in his 38 years. The first-born is always the "experimental" child and for this I have to offer my apologies....we weren't always the wisest in his up-bringing (sorry about the Wranglers and Luke Skywalker shoes)....but I think he turned out pretty darn good for what he had to put up with in us "first-time" parents. Happy Birthday, today son. Thanks for all the good times.

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