Saturday, October 25, 2008

I don't like the color of these stickers.....

....I just like the red ones better and sometimes I wonder why I vote, but, sad to say, this is probably the real reason that I do which was from a list I found that you may access by clickity clicking on my "I Voted" sticker. It was #7 on the list of Top Ten Reasons to Vote: Fashion. You get to wear an "I Voted" sticker -- definitely fashionable. O.k. call me shallow but I do love collecting the stickers (and proudly displaying them on the visor of my Corolla) and actually, the sticker just symbolizes to me that I did my patriotic duty and that feels good. It's the cumulative effect, I'm sure because I've always figured that one vote's not gonna really make a difference but if a million voters feel that way, then it does make a difference so there you have it. I voted and I'm proud of it. I was actually in the mall for other reasons, not sure what they were, um......but there it was, center court: Vote Early!!! No I did and I'm done. How about you?


joycew said...

I definitely want that sticker. And if you really think one vote doesn't make a difference, watch the movie "Swing Vote"! Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

I am a big believer in voting. But i feel very very hypocritical saying anything, as i did not register for an absenti ballot before I left and will not be voting this year. Maybe I should just not be making a comment at all, but I do know that this is God's country (the US not Mexico) and all though our candadites may not be helaman's, moroni's or george washington's, we still have a say in the matter, and that was God's doing more then any man's.

Camie said...

Well said Lauri...hence the reason I vote. Plus my dad puts a phone call in each voting day to make sure we have want to make sure you can answer yes to that phone call.