Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Franklin Day Planner not working for ya?........ neither. I've tried it several times and usually make it about 3 weeks but last night at work I saw something that really caught my eye and I thought I'd give it a try. A girl had a huge "to do list" written on the back of her hand. Nothing more than a fleeting thought but I said to myself...."she really has a lot to do." This morning, she was there again and I said as I looked at the list still on the back of her hand...."did you get all that stuff done?" "Most of it" she replied. Before leaving work, I wrote all the things I needed to get done on the back of my hand....(not nearly as many as her and my hand was a lot more wrinkley and hard to write on than her young, smooth, unfreckled and unharry skin but I thought I'd give it a try. Solves my problem of never being able to find the list I made, or forgetting to take the list with me when I go to do the things on the list or never writing them down because I know I'll forget to look at it or take it with me....I'm sure you don't have that problem but I do so I thought I'd try far so good. Still got 2 things to go but should have them done by bedtime. Then I found this online that might help me in the future if I don't want to bother with scrubbing the ink off my hand....(knowing me, it will take until it wears off to get things done) but innovative none the less. Clickity click on it to learn more.


joycew said...

Brilliant idea! I'm great at making lists but you really need to look at them to make them work...or take them with you, as in the case of the grocery list still hanging on the fridge as you try to remember what was on it! Thanks for you insight.

Staheli said...

Love it, I want to get me some of that.