Saturday, October 31, 2009

I'd rather be in Disneyland....

.....because this was the year that you could get in free on your birthday but.....I've enjoyed the day doing the usual, greeting my family and friends and having food out all day then giving out treats in the evening and I just turned the lights out because I'm out of candy (what a Grinch I am) but it's been a long day. Back to year, you get in if you give a day of service so I'm going to do that so I'll be in Disneyland next year on my birthday.....but if I'm not, I'll be here doing the same thing that I've done for many years.....I think that's called a "tradition" and since I'm a "traditional" person, I probably won't be in Disneyland next year. Hope you had a nice Halloween.....

We wait with bated breath each year to see what Mason is going to be. "The Coach" is in the house and .......

....and wouldn't you want him jumping on the trampoline with your kid? Huh???????
Kyle rode over in his golf cart with his golfer's outfit to match....along with the Rubics Cube, Princess and the frog and the sweet little pea pod Matty.....
My camera failed me but I got this cute one before it gave out on me.....Kisten will come through with some good ones though.

.....and my witch's brew is a must. James and Lauri checking out the potency......they surprised me last night and it's been good to have them here. It was a really great day. Thanks for all your birthday wishes.....
.....and I almost forgot.....this day started with the "Toaster Streudel Fairy" arriving in the a.m. with some fresh treats.......and why, you say, did you have a grand kid sleepover the day before Halloween. Um......I thought it was harmless but when they weren't to sleep by 11 p.m., I thought how foolish in this Swine Flu season to not get these little kiddies in bed before 8 especially on the day before sugar overload. A lesson learned.....we're off and rollin'......get out the Christmas music. Mine will be on tomorrow. I'm outta here......


joycew said...

I would rather have been with you in Disneyland yesterday. There is always next year to look forward to! Great costumes you guys! The Wells clan always does Halloween up right...probable because that day gave them a great Mom!

belliesue said...

I thought of you yesterday! Hope it was exciting! Loved the costumes and traditions!

Karen M. said...

You have to be the best mom and grandma on the planet! What fun you all had, great costumes and fun memories, that is what birthdays are all about, would you really rather be in Disneyland?!

Penny said...

That was so much fun. Mason is so funny! Joel told everyone about Mason's costume. It was the talk of the night. It is a really fun tradition for everyone including your friends and neighbors. I couldn't imagine a Halloween without Sunshine punch!

Camie said...

Sounds like once again halloween was a hit at your house...never a disappointment. So many fun costumes. And I for one am glad you won't at Disneyland on Halloween but will be sticking with TRADITION...tradition...(sorry, fiddler on the roof just came to mind.)