Saturday, October 3, 2009

Truly one of my favorite week-ends of the year....

I actually love how the town fills up with people. I don't go out in it much but it's just a very exciting time, not to mention the bucks that it pumps into our local economy.....and the excitement that's in the air as this community puts on a mighty fine marathon.

This is where we see him first, on Diagonal Street where he greets the kids, poses and hands off all the stuff he doesn't need then we head out and meet him at the finish line. I'm very impressed that Kyle finished it....he didn't train, just decided to run it a couple of weeks ago. This is his 8th year and the baby was due this week....but when baby Matty came excuses. "Not training" apparently is not an excuse....we ventured up to Pine Valley for the annual "carbo load" party with the Beckstrands and Rogels.

Matty got to join us this year at the finish line and she did well.....probably a bit sunburned, but mostly slept. Someday maybe when she runs it, we can show this as her 1st marathon.

Joel, John, Charles and Kyle.....they all made it. Way to go, guys.

Still a very proud moment for this mom. It amazes me that people can really complete this and as we drove up to Pine Valley last night, it amazed me even more as you see how really long 26.2 miles is. It's quite magic though and fun to see the people that have the stamina to do it.....cheered on by the thousands more of us that wish we wanted to.


Laynee said...

way to go kyle!!!!!!

Camie said...

I guess if 'no training' isn't an excuse, it looks like we are all running it next year. Way to go Kyle!

Staheli said...

LOVE IT!!! Mom you are so right about the excitement of the marathon. Kyle, you're my hero.

Karen M. said...

Jilyn, I don't have your email but give me a call, I would like to start on Mason's new office it is way over due and we need to make it his! Office 635-4492 or my cell 773-2778 Great posts, congrats to Kyle