Monday, February 1, 2010

Everyone needs a snow day.... least once a season and we've always enjoyed ours in Pine Valley. Saturday, the boys took their families up to the mountain while I stayed home with the 2 youngest (not that I wouldn't have liked to be with them but I enjoyed the 2 youngest in the warmth of my home) so they could enjoy some fun times. Playing in the snow is not a walk in the's hard but it sure looks like they had a lot of fun.

The runs look the same as in the "good ol' days"....why I remember a time we were able to go clear from the top of Taco Flat down to the meadow road.

Let's just throw a kid or two off the porch......
I bet I can do a flip.......
....and because this blog is called "A Little Bit of Now and Then".....that was the's the "then". We did have some good times.

.....and the good part about it all is that 30 miles down the road, you can spend the rest of the afternoon sittin' in a warm winter sun.


Staheli said...

I can see why Spence gets so homesick sometimes when he reads your blog. Reading this and thinking of being so far away made my heart ache just a bit but I know that we will be having some good times and making memories of our own. I loved the post and the pics. Thanks for the memory reminders! Love you mom.

Lauri Wells said...

HOLY COW!!! That's a lot of snow!!! I am so glad that we haven't gotten that much snow up here, I'd die! Cuz we cant escape it when we're done playin, we just gotta keep workin in it... Nice snow suit George... I believe I wore that same shade of purple back in the day.

Spencer said...

That is some ridiculous snow...wish I was there.

Laynee said...

that is a ton of snow!!!!!! i soooooooo wish i was there!!!!!! love ya and miss ya!!!!