Monday, March 8, 2010

I like my "stuff".....

.....and my new bookshelves and I'm tryin' to get a little bit organized because of my "hoarder" tendencies. I have succeeded in throwing a few things away but I like having my "stuff" where I can see it and enjoy it so I got me a few shelves to replace the desk that I gave to Mason and I'm feelin' quite please with myself right now.
If you were to come in my house, I'd take you right in here and show it off. I saw a documentary on "hoarders" the other night and one of the quotes from it was that...."these lonely people like to be surrounded by their stuff" and I thought "....ouch...that applies to me" but I'm going to try to keep mine as neat as possible. My kids will have a lot of "stuff" to sift through when I die but I think they'll enjoy it. There's money in some of the books you know......(or not). Why am I blogging about this? I don't know...I just am. Not much else goin' on 'cept I've been sick for a couple of days and a little out of touch so just thought I'd fill you in on my boring life.
.....and today is my Aunt Beulah's birthday. She is my mom's older sister and her only sibling left. She comes south from Logan for a few months in the winter and we've enjoyed having her here. This is when Traci visited her in Logan.
I have some better pictures but didn't feel like sifting (wish I would have taken one while she was here) for them but she's a pretty terrific woman, an example of what we all need to be in our old age. Life's dealt her some low blows but she's pretty up-beat and happy to be around. She grows a great garden, makes soft, cuddly quilts that we all cherish and is an amazing cook. She's always got food for anyone that stops by. Happy Birthday, Aunt Beulah. You are loved.


Intro to Investments said...

Mom - you don't have to have "something" to blog about. It has become part of my internet ritual. Check the market, check my email and check mom's blog. I feel cheated when there isn't a new "something" each day. Keep it up, I'm reading.

Spencer said...

Ditto. I hope you're feeling better.

Jillyn said...

So Spence, am I to take it that you too check the market, then your e-mail, then my blog? Good for you. And thanks for the well-wishes. After 2 Dr. appts. today I better be feelin' better.....

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to let you know I "stopped by", and had a look at your pictures.

-Jake Alvord :-)